Sunday 29 September 2013

Manchester's new 'super' traffic cameras catch out 10,000 motorists in just SIX weeks

If each £60 fine was paid in full, council bosses would rake in almost £600,000 - the 17 cameras cost a total of £255,000
Eye spy: The ZenGrab LaneWatch Mk2 cameras
New super traffic cameras have caught out almost 10,000 motorists in just SIX weeks.
The 15 cameras – which cost £17,000 each – have been installed on some of the busiest commuter routes across Manchester.
And the M.E.N. HAS revealed that between August 5 and September 15 the council issued 9,698 tickets to motorists breaching bus lanes – an average of 1,600 per week.
It means if each £60 fine was paid in full, council bosses would rake in £581,880.
Even if every motorist paid their fines within 14 days at the reduced rate of £30 the council would still net £290,940.
So far Manchester council is the only authority in Greater Manchester  to install this type of camera. The only other council which has plans to do so is  Tameside.
Each device has two hi-tech cameras and includes night vision capabilities – enabling them to catch up to 50 times more motorists than previous models.
The cameras, which target motorists who illegally use bus lanes, were installed last month across the city on routes including Cheetham Hill Road, Ashton Old Road and Victoria Station Approach.
Councillor Nigel Murphy, executive member for environment at Manchester council, blamed the  huge increase in fines on ‘a lot of inconsiderate drivers’.
He said: “It’s quite simple – if you don't do the crime you’re not going to pay the fine.”
The 15 ZenGrab LaneWatch Mk2  cameras are on track to rake in between £3m and £6m a year, but Coun Murphy   insisted the cash would not  subsidise general council spending that was slashed at start of the year. He said the money will be re-invested in the public transport system, highways and the environment.
The news came as Eric Pickles, secretary of state for communities and local government, said that councils in England could be banned from using traffic calming devices to raise revenue under new government proposals.
He said: “The devices should be used to tackle crime and not to raise money for councils.”
Coun Murphy denied that the new cameras would be used in this way, claiming residents and businesses are crying out for effective enforcement.
But he conceded there is always a revenue when there is a fine.

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