Sunday 22 September 2019

Driving Licences revoked in 2018

Driving Licences revoked last year 11953 after getting 6 Penalty Points
Dozens of new drivers had their licence revoked on a daily basis in 2018

Figures obtained via a freedom of information request to the DVLA – show 11,953 drivers had their licence revoked under the New Drivers Act last year, an average of 33 per day.
The legislation states  drivers who get six or more penalty points within two years of passing their test have their licence revoked  If they wish to drive again, they are required to :
·         Re-apply and pay for a new provisional licence and
·         Pass their theory test again, the multiple and hazard perception
·          Practical parts of the driving or riding test again.
 Drivers aged 17-24 years made up almost two thirds (62%) of the total number of licences revoked.
Road Safety Charity Brake is calling on government to do more to ensure young drivers are safe on the roads.
It is also calling for the introduction of a comprehensive Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) system across the UK. The Government’s announcement that they will explore the issue of GDL further is welcome, but  Swift and decisive action must be taken quickly to introduce GDL across the UK, as a priority to ensure new drivers have the skills and experience they need and to end this tragedy of young people dying on our roads.”


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