Sunday 1 March 2020

Fuels for Driving in future

 Fuels for Driving in future

Driving pros from have listed  alternatives to petrol and diesel which might be used to power vehicles in the future.
The  price of diesel and petrol,  is constantly fluctuating but has steadily risen over the last couple of decades.
Also  the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels is also being realised, so manufacturers and scientists are trying to find a feasible, eco-friendly alternative to petrol and diesel.
Electricity looks set to lead the way, but many other chemicals  possess the necessary properties to fuel vehicles.
Although hybrid vehicles do still use petrol or diesel, it’s all about taking smaller steps and reducing the amount that individuals use and  who knows what we’ll be filling our cars with a few years down the line?!
Electric powered vehicles are more popular than ever, and there’s been a particular rise in hybrid cars. Charging points are popping up all over the country, making electric-powered vehicles a much more feasible – and often cost-effective – option for the car owner.

Solar powered cars where   sun’s energy would be converted into electricity to fuel the vehicle.

Biodiesel is similar to biogas in that it’s created from waste liquid, such as animal fats and vegetable oils. Biodiesel is currently being mixed in with regular diesel to offer drivers a more environmentally friendly fuel option.

Chip fat
One of the components of biodiesel is waste cooking oil, which means that technically speaking, you could fuel your vehicle with chip fat.

The official name for this alternative fuel is biobutanol and it’s made from the barley kernels which are left over after fermenting whisky. It works in exactly the same way as diesel does, just from a more sustainable source.

Materials required to make hydrogen fuel cells for vehicles  are very expensive , but if a cheap and environmentally sustainable way is ever found to extract large enough quantities of hydrogen from water, this fuel could revolutionise road travel


  1. Although Very useful information in terms of education, but apart from electric, other fuels are very long way, if at all to be used in cars.

  2. We know lot is research is taking place and it will be sometime before people agree which fuel would serve best in future.
