Wednesday 31 July 2013

Check Your Car Alignment and Save Fuel

                        Your Car Alignment and Save Fuel

You can save fuel, and improve your overall driving experience simply by insuring that your car wheels are properly aligned.
If you find your car pulls to left or right when driving on a straight level road then its possible that your car wheels are not aligned properly.
Improper alignment will reduce your car’s mpg because you will need extra energy to help keep the car in a straight line.  For example, if your car’s improper alignment causes the car to drift to the right the car will need extra energy to overcome this pull and continue in a straight line.
This extra energy comes from burning extra petrol.  
Improper alignment can come from many different factors – driving over a big pothole, Parking  on footpath or hitting footpath accidently, uneven tyre wear, uneven tire pressure, etc.  Whatever the cause, you should try and fix the problem as soon as possible.
This is one of the subtle ways you can increase your car’s mileage, and remember, ever  little bit counts.

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