Monday 5 August 2013


Communities Secretary Eric Pickles wants to introduce a “grace period” within months that would allow drivers to park on double yellow lines for 15min. It is hoped this measure will  boost trade in neighbourhood high streets.
As part of the coalition horse-trading needed to secure support for the move, higher fines could be introduced outside London for motorists who park dangerously.
A source close to Mr Pickles said: "The high street is in danger of shrinking or dying off, because of over-aggressive parking enforcements.
"If people are worried about paying a fortune in parking fines, they are more likely to do their shopping online or go to out of town shopping centres. For too long parking has been a revenue-raiser. It's time to end that.
It is understood the Lib Dems believe the Tory Cabinet minister's plans could prove "unworkable" .
Lib Dem transport minister Norman Baker said: "We are keen to ensure that the high street works for businesses by stopping people parking illegally for hours on end.
"I have been in discussions with other colleagues from government about how we can best take this issue forward.
"This is about tackling motorists who are parking illegally, and  not about raising charges for those who park legally."


  1. parking rules are very important for the society to be civilised and be well behaved. thanks for sharing this post online with us. was very helpful and informative.

  2. I totally agree with you parking rules should be followed by everyone. These are made for our own safety and conveinance. A wrong parking can disturb many people not just the one.
