Tuesday 29 July 2014

Diesel drivers face higher costs in battle to reduce pollution.

UK cities considering low emission zones and London diesel drivers could face extra costs on top of the congestion charge.

Drivers of diesel cars may have to pay more in road tax or face extra charges to travel into city centres in an effort to tackle pollution according to reports.
Major UK cities are considering low emission zones to force out older diesel vehicles that are responsible for higher levels of fumes, the Times said.
Almost all diesel vehicles driven into central London will trigger a £10 charge under plans being considered by mayor, Boris Johnson who will also reportedly lobby the government to increase road tax on diesel cars to encourage a move to cleaner vehicles.
The £10 fee, which would come into effect in 2020, would be on top of the congestion charge, forcing diesel drivers to pay at least £20 to drive into the capital's "ultra low emission zone", the newspaper said.
Only diesel vehicles meeting the Euro 6 emissions standard will be exempt, while petrol cars registered before 2006 will also have to pay.
Labour is reportedly planning a countrywide network of low emission zones to force older diesel cars from city centres, proposals that are being considered by more than 15 cities including Sheffield, Birmingham, and Bristol. Oxford has already introduced a zone for buses and may expand its plans for other vehicles. The initiatives are being considered to help meet European regulations on clean air and avoid the threat of heavy fines for breaching them.
The mayor's environment adviser, Matthew Pencharz, told the newspaper: "We want to see an unwinding of incentives that have driven people to diesel. Euro engine standards on emissions have not delivered the savings expected, meaning we now have a legacy of a generation of dirty diesels."
Today there are 10m cars in Britain are powered by diesel engines – a third of the total.
"Part of the problem is regulation. In laboratory conditions diesel cars have meet strict test criteria. Unfortunately that performance hasn't been matched on the road and now we have a significant health issue because of the dash for diesel."