Thursday 20 June 2013

Safety Concerns for Young Drivers
MOST PARENTS of young drivers worry that their children are under prepared for the roads after passing their driving test, according to a survey carried out by insurance company.
A survey was carried out by direct line insurance company, based on 1000 parents of children aged 16–26 who have a driving licence or are expected to learn to drive soon.
The survey found that :
·         23% of parents worried all the time about their child's safety on the road;
·         58% of parents believed their child was not properly equipped to drive on a motorway;
·         36% reckoned their children were under-equipped for driving in congested city centres and 39% admitted they worried for their ability to drive in the dark;
·         64% wanted a minimum learning-to-drive period;
·         50% said their children were distracted by their friends talking to them when they were driving.
Direct Line managing director  said: "Too many young people are killed or injured on Britain's roads today. We need to give young drivers the time to build their confidence and capability to become proficient and safe drivers.
"We welcome the Government's recognition that there is a safety issue involving young drivers by their announcement to publish a Green Paper on young drivers this summer.
 And we hope these measures will all help to reduce the number of car accidents involving drivers under 25s."
If you have never driven on motorway lessons, driven at night, in rain, fog or icy conditions then why not book Pass Plus course or Refresher Course. There is no test at the end of the driving course, you will get a Pass Plus certificate and you can get discount towards your car insurance.

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