Wednesday 12 June 2019

Learn Driving on motorways: what you to know

Learner drivers on motorways: what you to know

How the rules work
Any Motorway Lessons learner drivers take are voluntary. They must be taken with an approved driving instructor – so there’ll be no learners driving on motorways with mum or dad in the passenger seat.
The car they’re driving must have dual-controls and must display L plates.
Driving instructors will only take learner drivers on the motorway when they have the right skills and experience to drive in a high-speed environment. Learner drivers would  already have practiced  driving on dual carriageways, so this will be a natural progression.
Driving instructors are highly-skilled and have experience  training people to drive safely. They’ll be sitting next to their pupil in their driving school car and for their own safety, they’re very unlikely to take anyone who is not ready onto the motorway.
What motorway lessons include
During motorway lessons, learner drivers will be trained on:
·         how to join and leave the motorway, overtake and use lanes correctly
·         using smart motorways correctly
·         driving at high speed in motorway conditions
·         motorway-specific traffic signs
·         what to do if a vehicle breaks down on a motorway
DVSA  think it’s much safer for learners to be accompanied by a professional driving instructor,  the first time they go on a motorway, rather than just to drive onto the motorway for the first time after they pass their test without any prior experience.
Motorway driving lessons will help prepare learners for a lifetime of safe driving and will:
·         give them broader driving experience before taking their driving test
·         give them more practice driving on a variety of roads and at higher speeds
·         improve their confidence to drive on the motorway unsupervised after passing their driving test
That last point is particularly important. Research with new drivers has shown that some avoid using motorways because they lack confidence to use them. This means they spend more time driving on rural roads.
In fact, 80% of all young driver deaths happen on rural roads (just 4% are on motorways). These can be more challenging because of sharp bends, hidden dips, blind summits and concealed entrances.
But this isn’t just about building learner drivers’ confidence. It will also have benefits for everyone travelling on the motorway.
Improving road safety
We know it’s frustrating and unsafe when drivers:
·         Hog the middle lane
·         Sit in your blind spot
·         Tailgate
·         overtake and then cut back in too quickly
It is hoped  that by teaching the next generation of drivers good lane discipline and how to interact with all vehicles – including lorries and coaches - we can make the motorways safer and more efficient for everyone.
Also it should contribute to a reduction in the number of young drivers being killed on rural roads.
Road casualties devastate families and communities. Collisions also cost the economy an estimated £16.3 billion a year, and they add pressure on the NHS and our emergency services.
How you can help
It is hoped all drivers will  treat learner drivers how you’d like to be treated, be patient and considerate of them, and remember what The Highway Code says.
Rule 217
Learners and inexperienced drivers may not be so skillful at anticipating and responding to events. Be particularly patient with learner drivers and young drivers.
Most drivers do that already, but if everyone follows this advice, we can make a big difference and help make our motorways safer.

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