Do we take driving while drowsy seriously enough?
Driving while drowsy usually occurs at high speeds, is most common in men between 16 and 24 years of age and occurs most often between 11pm and 8am. The car typically veers off the road and the driver isn’t alert enough to brake.
What can we Do ?
When tired you are bit too relaxed about driving. Shift workers, people on medications that cause sleepiness and anyone who is sleep deprived, as a new parent, should realise that they could be drowsy drivers.
There are obvious symptoms of tiredness such as yawning, but other big clues include, unable to recall the last few miles, missing road signs, drifting out of your lane, getting too close to the car in front or finding it hard to maintain your speed and needing more effort to keep your head up. If you do feel sleepy you should pull over immediately or, if you’re on a motorway, as soon as it is safe to do so.The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents says that two cups of caffeinated coffee and a 15-minute nap is the most effective way to stop feeling sleepy. Turning on the radio, opening the window or asking a passenger to say something interesting won’t wake you up sufficiently.
Driving is best done during normal waking hours; in particular, avoid driving between midnight and 6am, when you are naturally sleepy. Plan your journey so that you have a break for 15 minutes every two hours – ideally getting out of the car – avoiding long drive after you have worked a full day. If your drive is monotonous, especially if its on a motorway driving, it is even more important to get a good night’s sleep (around seven hours). Whenever possible, avoid driving alone and, if on a long trip, try to share the driving.
yeah, it's good for a driver to sleep at least 6 to 7 hours before going to a long drive or motorway drive. you have shared some very helpful driving tips and ideas here. nice to see!
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post. And I also agree with the whole no driving while drowsy. Lives are at stake when you are driving and not just your own.
ReplyDeleteThis post is very true and helpful. Thanks for sharing, I think we all must keep in mind that driving while drunk or tired can cause a serious problem and it risks your life, so be mindful before going on road.