Wednesday 17 July 2019

What Does Flashing Headlights Mean When Driving

Afzal Driving Lessons
Driving here in UK you can come across flashing in different situations. Many drivers flash their headlights to alert other road users of their presence, so it is important that you take care when you interpret flashing , remembering that you are responsible for your action regardless of what the flashing driver meant.
 use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.·The Highway code states : Rule 114.You MUST NOT
Having said that lets have a look at situations where people use Flash lights.
  1. Drivers on main road, sometimes flash at pedestrians waiting to cross road. This sort of situation arises when driver is some distance away from pedestrian and he/she feel that if they slow down, there would be enough time for pedestrian to cross road and they will be able to continue driving without having to stop.
  2. A driver approaches slowly and is waiting at middle of junction, looking for safe gap in on coming vehicles before turning right or waiting near central line wanting to turn right. On coming vehicles may flash, alerting you that you may cross.
  3. Waiting in queue behind another driver who is not responding to moving traffic or signal change and here Flashing your headlamp to alert driver ahead to move on.
  4. You are overtaking another vehicle and often drivers flash their light to alert the vehicle you are overtaking.
  5. Sometime driver on dual carriageway, motorway, who are driving fast, would flash at cars in right lane so that they can move over to left lane.
  6. You are approaching meet situation on road, ie road narrows due other vehicles parking or road work. Here those driving often flash to on coming traffic to alert them that you have seen them, and they can continue to deal with this narrow road, while you will hold back. This situation requires extra CARE because sometimes drivers will flash to warn you that they are already committed and they want you to slow down so that everyone is safe driving .
Sometimes when you are waiting at a junction to emerge on to main road, Those driving on main road will flash at you, telling you to join main road. This is normally happens when there is heavy traffic, moving slowly

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