Wednesday 17 July 2019

What Does Flashing Headlights Mean When Driving

Afzal Driving Lessons
Driving here in UK you can come across flashing in different situations. Many drivers flash their headlights to alert other road users of their presence, so it is important that you take care when you interpret flashing , remembering that you are responsible for your action regardless of what the flashing driver meant.
 use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.·The Highway code states : Rule 114.You MUST NOT
Having said that lets have a look at situations where people use Flash lights.
  1. Drivers on main road, sometimes flash at pedestrians waiting to cross road. This sort of situation arises when driver is some distance away from pedestrian and he/she feel that if they slow down, there would be enough time for pedestrian to cross road and they will be able to continue driving without having to stop.
  2. A driver approaches slowly and is waiting at middle of junction, looking for safe gap in on coming vehicles before turning right or waiting near central line wanting to turn right. On coming vehicles may flash, alerting you that you may cross.
  3. Waiting in queue behind another driver who is not responding to moving traffic or signal change and here Flashing your headlamp to alert driver ahead to move on.
  4. You are overtaking another vehicle and often drivers flash their light to alert the vehicle you are overtaking.
  5. Sometime driver on dual carriageway, motorway, who are driving fast, would flash at cars in right lane so that they can move over to left lane.
  6. You are approaching meet situation on road, ie road narrows due other vehicles parking or road work. Here those driving often flash to on coming traffic to alert them that you have seen them, and they can continue to deal with this narrow road, while you will hold back. This situation requires extra CARE because sometimes drivers will flash to warn you that they are already committed and they want you to slow down so that everyone is safe driving .
Sometimes when you are waiting at a junction to emerge on to main road, Those driving on main road will flash at you, telling you to join main road. This is normally happens when there is heavy traffic, moving slowly

Monday 15 July 2019

DVLA Now Requiring Autistic People to Disclose Their Diagnosis even if Driving Not Affected

Autistic people angry at having to disclose diagnosis to DVLA even if driving not affected

The National Autistic Society (NAS) is challenging a decision by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) asking people to inform them of their diagnosis even if it does not affect their driving.
The DVSA  did not communicate this change  to any autistic person, charities or medical professionals, instead it came to light when a  person with autism contacted the NAS and told them the DVLA website said drivers must disclose if they have an autistic spectrum disorder.
Until recently, the website has simply said that drivers must tell the DVLA if they have an autistic spectrum disorder “and it affects your driving”. This is standard for many conditions. The final clause has been removed and is now in a separate paragraph warning of the risk of a £1,000 fine or possible prosecution if these drivers are involved in an accident.
The Labour MP Jess Phillips criticised the decision and said  "  I will be asking the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to look into this.”
An EHRC spokesperson said the body would expect any change in policy affecting people with an impairment to be clearly consulted on and communicated. “Failure to do so may be a breach of the public sector equality duty,” they said.
 “Autism is a lifelong disability and if someone has passed their driving test we can’t see how an autism diagnosis would change their ability to drive.

The DVLA said: “There have been no changes to autism spectrum disorder being a notifiable condition – this has been the case for a number of years. We have recently aligned the advice on our A–Z guide for the public with the advice for medical professionals.
“Notifying DVLA of a medical condition doesn’t mean a driver will automatically lose their licence. In fact more often than not they can continue to drive.
“We always keep our advice under review and work with our independent medical panels to do so.”
Despite that reassurance the change in policy has caused a great deal of anxiety in the autistic community.

UK driving licences will not be valid in Ireland under no-deal Brexit

Laura James, ambassador for the NAS, said: “We’re upset on a number of levels, but the lack of communication is horrifying as we’ve all potentially been driving illegally since they changed the rules.
“Also, we were all autistic when we passed our tests, which are obviously designed to test people’s skills and ensure they are safe to drive, so this change seems nonsensical.”
Informing the DVLA is not a simple process. The form asks questions that relate to substance abuse and psychiatric treatment but nothing about autism itself.
Drivers have to give information on their GP and specialist and, said James, “as most GPs have a very vague understanding of autism and most autistic adults don’t have a specialist, it is hugely worrying as many of us could lose our driving licences for essentially being different”.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Motorway Rule That Fines Driver Automatically

New Motorway Rule That Fines Driver Automatically

New legislation will give police authority to automatically fine drivers breaking smart motorway rules.
Home Office has introduced new legislation in June that penalises drivers who ignore smart motorway lane closures.
Drivers breaking the rules can expect an automatic fine of £100 and three points on their driving licence.
Current Motorway Driving Rules?
Automated cameras can open and close smart motorway lanes at any time – drivers see this in action when the hard shoulder opens up to ease congestion.
If the lane is closed, gantry signs above the smart motorway show a big red ‘X’. These signs also show variable speed limits.
Driving in a closed motorway or dual carriageway lane is illegal. But as a smart motorway lane can open and close at any time.
What’s changing?
Highways England has issued 180,000 warning letters to drivers ignoring smart motorway lane closures since the beginning of 2017.
From 10 June 2019, the law has changed so that police can use cameras to automatically catch drivers breaking the rules – hitting them with a £100 fine and three penalty points.
However, Highways England says that the new cameras won’t be operational until later in the summer.
Do red ‘X’ signs improve safety on motorways?
A March RAC survey revealed that over eight in 10 drivers (84 per cent) have seen a red ‘X’ sign on the motorway – and 99 per cent of those know that it means the lane is closed.
But 23 per cent of drivers admitted to disregarding the rule – either “occasionally accidentally” (19 per cent), “often accidentally” (one per cent) or “occasionally on purpose” (three per cent).
The RAC went on to say that red ‘X’ signs “are paramount in safety terms as any stricken driver who has not managed to reach an SOS area is at tremendous risk of being involved in a collision with vehicles that ignore them.”
With new rules in place when driving on Motorway, drivers  should take extra care and move to an open lane when a red ‘X’ sign is showing, keeping to the speed limits on the gantries and signs.
Do you think the rule change will make drivers take extra care on motorways? Let us know in the comments below.

Monday 1 July 2019

New DVLA figures suggest motorists are missing out on millions

British motorists could have missed out on savings of nearly £5 million last year by not going online to apply for or renew driving licence, according to new DVLA figures published on 27th June 2019.
Online driving licence applications now account for nearly 4 out of 5 provisional driving licence applications and around half of all driving licence renewals – an increase of around 10% over the last 3 years. A provisional licence costs £43 when applying by post, but only £34 online, with renewals costing £17 by post and £14 online.
But some drivers missed out on the savings last year with more than 1.2 million drivers posting their applications to DVLA.
DVLA Chief Executive Julie Lennard said:
Each year, more and more people are choosing to use our online services and it is always cheaper and quicker to renew your driving licence on GOV.UK. It’s also the quickest way for those who have lost or misplaced their licence to apply for a replacement.
Notes to editors:
1.   Drivers who apply online should only use GOV.UK so they can be sure of dealing with DVLA directly and paying the lowest price for services that carry a fee.
2.   By using GOV.UK when applying for services online, motorists can also ensure they avoid using third party websites. Such sites will often charge an additional fee for services that are free - or cost significantly less - on GOV.UK. Websites such as these are not connected with the DVLA in any way.
3.   Customers can apply for a provisional licence online with DVLA on GOV.UK
6.   It’s free to renew a driving licence at the age of 70 or older, irrespective of the route chosen.

Friday 28 June 2019

Driving test: Hardest and easiest places to pass

Driving test: Hardest and easiest places to pass

About 45% of drivers pass their driving test first time, while some others need more than 30 attempts. But does it matter where in Britain you take your test?
Every three months, pass rate data is published on all driving test centres in England, Scotland and Wales. The rates vary from below 30% to more than 80%.
According to the latest stats - for April to December 2018 - Britain's highest pass rate and lowest pass rate are listed below.  Driving test centres with highest pass rate were in Inveraray, in Argyll and Bute, where 83.3% of learner drivers passed their test..
Top places with highest pass rate
Test centre
Number of tests Apr-Dec 2018
Pass rate %
Isle of Mull
Source: DVSA
The lowest, meanwhile, is the Pavilion test centre in north Birmingham, at 29.6%.
Top places with lowest pass rate
Test centre
Number of tests Apr-Dec 2018
Pass rate %
Birmingham (The Pavilion)
Birmingham (South Yardley)
Speke (Liverpool)
Enfield (Bancroft Way)
Erith (London)
Source: DVSA
At first glance, it appears pass rates are generally higher in rural areas and lower in busy cities. This might sound obvious: less traffic and fewer hazards. But driving instructors say it may be more complex than this.
In Pitlochry, Perthshire, the pass rate there is 78.5%. It is one of the highest in the country, although the test centre is small with an average of 11 learners sitting the exam each month.
Is the high pass rate because of the rural setting? a driving instructor in 2016 after quitting her job running a restaurant
"Definitely through the winter it's an easier place to pass," said one driving instructor . "It's very quiet. But in the summer, it's worse than driving in the centre of London .
"Because these are a tourist town, the place is heaving. And driving through the main street is like running the gauntlet. People are not really engaging their brains, they are on holiday. People go out in the middle of the road taking pictures. There are lots of tourists who are driving. They don't know where they are going. It can be incredibly hazardous."
In more rural test centres, the hazards are "different" - for example bad parking, narrower roads, tractors and cyclists.
"Interestingly, a couple of people who I have taught say driving in Pitlochry is 10 times harder than in Glasgow," she said. "In Glasgow they are following the person in front, whereas in Pitlochry there are not as many traffic lights, so at the junction the pupil has to make the decision themselves."
Almost 400 miles away, Belvedere test centre in south-east London is near the other end of the scale. It has a pass rate of just 33.8%.
August last year was particularly bad, when only 28.5% of the 403 candidates managed to ditch the L-plates.
Driving Instructor  from Belvedere, believes "people simply go to the test too soon".ho was born in Poland, now teaches people to drive in south-east London
"Here we have a very large mix of many nationalities and some people's beliefs of standards are not the same," . "You have to make sure you're at a good enough standard of driving to pass the test."
Meanwhile, one instructor from Birmingham - where pass rates are below average at all test centres and as low as 29% at one - said he did not think "the standard of instruction in Birmingham is very good".
He blamed the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency's checks - instructors are required to deliver a lesson under observation every four years - for being not rigorous enough.
And the instructor - who did not want to be named - said he believed "50% of the instructors in the area should not be teaching".
Many do not care about getting students through the test, he said, but "are doing it purely for the money".
DVSA-approved driving instructor registrar Jacqui Turland said it monitors "the performance and standard of instruction".
"Where instructors are bringing candidates to test at an unsatisfactory level, our enforcement managers will investigate and help educate them, in order to achieve best practice."
According to the AA Driving School, although the highest pass rates tend to be in rural areas and the lowest in urban areas, the difference should not be solely attributed to the type of traffic.
There are "probably other social factors that may be playing a part in the pass-rate disparity", it said.
your first attempt at the driving test, you're more likely to fail. On the second attempt, your likelihood of passing goes up. But after that, the pass rate drops with every attempt you take.
So are learner drivers flocking to rural Scottish areas, in an effort to boost their chances?
The DVSA doesn't believe so.
"All candidates are assessed to the same level and the result of their test is entirely dependent on their performance on the day," said chief driving examiner Mark Winn said. "It's essential that all drivers demonstrate they have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to drive safely.
"The driver testing and training regime tests candidates' ability to drive safely and responsibly as well as making sure they know the theory behind safe driving."